Wed 6 Apr 2005
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Telah dilakukan pengamatan pola reproduksi pada 248 anjing Kintamani betina. Pola reproduksi ditentukan berdasarkan pengamatan secara langsung pada setiap anjing. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa umur pubertas anjing Kintamani dicapai pada umur 7,5 + 0,66 bulan. Anjing Kintamani melakukan perkawinan sepanjang tahun dengan terjadi peningkatan aktivitas pada bulan Maret. Betina memasuki proestrus berkisar antara 9 sampai 13 hari dengan raa-rata lama proestrus adalah 10 + 0,13 hari. Lama waktu estrus atau saat pertama betina kawin sampai perkawinan terakhir berkisar antara 9 sampai 13 hari dengan rata-rata selama 10 + 1,46 hari dan fase anestrus 124,28 + 7,016 hari. Lama kebuntingan adalah rata-rata 63 + 0,13 hari dengan jumlah anak sebanyak 4,1 + 1,02.
Kata kunci : Pola reproduksi, siklus estrus, anjing Kintamani betina
The reproductive patterns a total number of 248 Kintamani bitches were investigated by followed and observed by investigators to determine the reproductive status of the individual animal. In this study indicates that , estrous cycle throughout the year and slightly increased seasonal activity during March. The bitches exhibit their first heat an avarage with 7.5 ± 0.66 months of age. The length of time from the onset of proestrus to the time of first breeding is usually 9 to 13 days, with an avarage of 10 ± 0.13 days. The duration of estrous is usually 9 to 13 days with an avarage of 10 ± 1.46 days. Like the other phases of estrous cycle, anestrus varies in length. The duration of anestrus is 105 to 140 days with an avarage of 124.28 ± 7.01 days. The length of gestation periods in Kintamani bitches was 63 ± 0.13 days with variation of 60 to 65 days, with a mean litter size of 4.1 ± 1.02.
Key words : reproduction patterns, estrous cycle, Kintamani bitches.
The Kintamani dogs are higly popular household pet in Bali. The Kintamani dogs have a good appearance, excelent circus performance, non aggresif and make a good companion. Kintamani dogs is considered of indigenous dog of Indonesia.
Knowledge concerning reproduction in dogs has been slow to develop. This slow progres indicate the lack of research interest and public demand upon the veterinary profession until recently. In nature it is the general rule that animals breed once annualy and parturition occurs in the certain range time, in temperate time and the time most favourable the progeny in that the grow up during the period of increasing light and warmth (Arthur et al,1983). Reproductive activity in the bitch differs from the polycylic pattern of other species in that there are no frequent, recurring periods of heat, called seasonal oestrus.. All bitch have a prolonged period of anestrus or sexual quiscence between their seasonal activity.
Knowledge concerning of reproduction activity of Kintamani dogs is limited, despite the fact that dogs ownership specifically breeding is gaining popularity. The purpose of this paper is to report the evaluation of reproduction performance in Kintamani bitches.
Reproductive performance of 258 bitches from Sukawana, Kintamani were studied. All bitches were kept throughout the year on high mountain at an elevation of 1620 m above sea-level. The bitches were fed on rice and eggs. The nutrition was good and not apparent disease condition were found. These bitches were followed and observed by investigators to determine the reproductive status of the individual animal. Age of puberty was evaluated by observations on the first time on which the male will enter their heat., The stage of oestrus cycle of each bitch was determined by daily observations. Proestrus is defined as period from onset of sanguinous vaginal discharge and vulvar swelling to the first willingness to accept the dog. The first day on which the male was allowed to mount was defined as the biginning of oestrus and this phase ends when she no longer accept the male. Diestrus is defined as the first day after a period of oestrus that bitch refuses a male. Anestrus begins with whelping and ends with proestrus..Length of pregnacy were calculated from the first day of acceptance to parturition and litter size were measured by the number of puppies per litter.
The results of the study showed that the bitches exhibit the first heat in 7.5 + 0.66 moth of age. Generally bitches exhibit their first cycle several month after the time they reach adult height and body weight. Thus, some small breeds will enter their first heat between 6 and 10 months of age (Feldman and Nelson,1987). The Kintamani bitches enter puberty earlier than other breeds. Various factor may influence the start of puberty. The sire may influence the time of his daughters first oestrus. There is some suggestion that free roamed dogs enter their first estrous cycle earlier in life than kenneled dogs.
The study indicated that there was a sexual quest following parturition, which showed by anestrus period. Estrous cycle frequency troughout the year and slightly increased seasonal activity during March. It is commonly believed that dogs experience estrous cycles twice yearly and the African dogs breeds such as the Besenji has cycle once yearly (Feldman and Nelson,1987). The ambient temperature and other environment factor may have some influence upon the oestrus activity. The slightly increased seasonal activity during March might be result of some environmental clue stimulating the hypothalamic pituitary ovarium axis.
The results showed that, the legth of time from the onset of proestrus to the time of firs breeding was 9 to 13 days, with an average of 10 + 0.13 days. At the begining of the breeding season, all observed animal were sometimes followed by young male dogs, they tried to mount other females but refused to be mounted. Rinjberk (1997) reported duration of proestrus is 9 days with a range of 3 - 17 days. The present study of proestrus patterns clearly were indenticial to those of the normal cycle. As shown in Table 1, the other visible proestrus sign in Kintamani bitches. The lenght of the estrous cycle was 9 to 13 days with an average of 10 + 1.46 days. Duration of estrous was defined as interval from detection of estrous signs especially when the bitches mounted by mature males until those sign ceased. It is useful to observe the bitch for willingness to accept copulation indicating that she is in estrous (Goodman,1992)
Table 1. The occurrence of various proestrus signs in Kintamani Bitches
Signs No.of bitch % of total number
Swollen vulva 76 100%
Reddening of vaginal mucosa 76 100%
Being mount by other bitches 76 100%
Mocous discharge 76 100%
Restlessness 76 100%
Lost of appetite 65 85.5%
Bloody vaginal discharge 69 90.7%
Based on the data from the first mating until parturition, the duration of pregnancy varied from 60 to 65 days with an average of 63 + 0.13 days. Using data obtained from dogs of various breed reported a mean of gastation can range from 57 to 68 days with an average of 64 dayys (Concanon,1986). However, Bandinand et Al. (1993) reported that the gestation period can range from 56 to 60 days after the first day of matestrous. The variation is not a replection of any consistency in the timing of physiological event of pregnancy but rather indicates the large variation that can occur among pregnancies in the interval from mating to ovulation to oocyte maturation and to passage of blastocysts througt the tubauterina juction.
Anestrus is the phase which there is no activity of ovaries, shows by no sexual activity. Anestrus begin with whelping and ends with proestrus. Likes the other phases of estrous cycle anestrus in Kintamani dogs varies in legth the duration of anestrous is 105 to 140 days with an average of 124.28 + 7.01 days. The data reported in this paper agrees the same an observation of the other workers from the other breeds (.Rinjberk,1997) The variation of duration anestrus may be due to difficult to know when diestrus ends and anestrus begins in any non pregnant bitch.
Based on exact data recorded from 258 bithes, the mean litter size of kintamani bitches is 4.1 + 1.02. The litter size of Kintamani bitches appear to be varies greatly compered with other breed. Britian et al. (1995) reported that a mean litter size of German Sheperd 8.0. The bigest litters reported consisted of 23 pupies, an even though small litter may occur in all breed are great variations in the litter size in dogs of different breeds. The variation in the litter size in Kintamani dogs may be due to influenced by generic faktor, body size of dam and age of dam.
I would like to thank to Prof. Dr. H Soehartojo Hardjopranjoto,drh,M.Sc. and Prof. IGB Amitaba, drh . for their supervision. The data reported in this paper is part of research project for doctor degrees at Airlangga University, Surabaya
Arthur GN, Noakes De, Pearson H.1983. Veterinary Reproduction an Obstetrics. 6 th Ed. Bailliere Tindal London.
Badinand F, Fontbonne A, Murel Mc, Siliart B. 1993. Fertilization time in the bitch in relation to plasma concentration of estradiol, progesteron and luteinizing hormone and vaginal smears. J Reprod Fertil Suppl. 47 : 63-67.
Britain D, Concannon PW, flanders JA, Flahive WJ, Lewis Bl, mayer-Wallen V, Moise NS. 1995 Use of Surgical intrauterine insemination to manage infertility in a colony of research German Sheperd dogs. lab Anim Sci.45 : 404-407.
Concanon PW. 1986. Physiology Endokrinology of Canine Pregnancy. in Morrow DA (ed). Current Therapy in Theriogenoly. W.B Saunders. Philedelphia pp.491-497.
Feldman EC, Nelson RW.1987. Canine and Feline Endoccrinology and reproduction. W.B Saunder Company. Philadelphia.pp399-413.
Goodman MF.1992. Canine ovulation timing. Prob. Vet.Med.4 : 433-444
Rinjberk A. 1997. Clinical endocrinology of dogs and cats. kluwer academic Pub. Dirdrechat. Boston. London.pp.131-149.